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Case Study - Tsubaki Engineering Services

Here is how we saved our customer unexpected costs of $1,002,800 through our engineering services...

CUSTOMER SITUATION: The customers application had fallen behind in routine inspections and maintenance reporting. The customer engaged Tsubaki to do offline reports.

THE PROBLEM: Maintaining the chain to the manufacturer's standards was not currently being achieved. Lubrication and checks on the chain had not been completed regularly. Field inspection by a trained Tsubaki Serviceman made sure chain was lubricated correctly, elongation measurements were taken and picked up on reclaimer bucket attachment lodged between the head sprocket and chain. If inspection was not completed, upon machine start-up chain and/or drive sprocket may have been damaged or critical failure could have occurred causing major downtime. Figure one shows the lodged attachment bucket.


TSUBAKI SOLUTION:✔️ We offered product support when buying Tsubaki products. Trained field service engineer to be onsite when client requested. Onsite inspections followed up with reports to maintain the product life.


  • $200,000 per hour from down time due to damage of chain and sprocket
  • Up to 5 hrs downtime x labour of $90 per hour x 4 serviceman
  • Plus chain spares $1,000+
  • Minimizing further product down time with routine inspections and diagnosis

= TOTAL SAVING OF UP TO $1,002,800 of unexpected costs from inspections, downtime, material and labor costs.

Please get in touch with us today so we can help your business with the Tsubaki advantage